Statement of Purpose

I'm not a professional photographer, and I do not want to teach or educate anybody here — I'm merely posting my musings on one of my hobbies, for whatever it's worth!


My Early Attempts at (More) Serious Photography

cherry tree, buds
Back in 1974, I added a set of (non-automatic) extension rings to my Topcon RE-2 SLR and my only lens at that time, a 58 mm f/1.8 RE Auto-Topcor — and started to explore macro photography. Most of the time I did b&w photography using Kodak Panatomic-X, Plus-X Pan, or Tri-X Pan film that I typically developed myself. I never had the equipment to create paper copies, though, so these films were resting in their sleeves for 35 years. I have now digitized many of these pictures, so for the first time I can have a proper look at my "artworks"! I wasn't good at bookkeeping in those years, so don't ask me about technical details like aperture, exposure time, even film type. Shame on me!
About the shot above: I like the "steely" look of these buds on a cherry tree in our garden, the "analog grain" that is impossible to obtain with a DSLR (there's software that can add "film grain" to digital photos, but I doubt you'll get the same result) — OK, if you look closely you may see that I used "digital de-dusting" ...


deborah.kyburz said...

there should be a "like" button!!

Rolf Kyburz said...

there is: just click the "+1" ... ;-)

Rolf Kyburz said...

And, of course "within the scene" you would use the FB or tweet buttons ...

deborah.kyburz said...

hmmm.... MY blog has a "like" button! and three more *hehe*
just wrote my first post :-)

deborah.kyburz said...

keep those posts coming! otherwise people won't continue following your blog ;-)

Rolf Kyburz said...

Thanks for visiting!
Well, for one, this blog is a double-guinea pig: for me to learn how blogs work, and also to help me helping you to find solutions for your new blog ... and then, the "people who follow my blog" are, is - just you, so far!!! Well, I'll take my time and plan on posting one or two more entries, maybe on different topics (music, more photography, etc.) before posting a cross-reference to the blog in FB. I may at the same time start twittering - we'll see: the account is there ... :)
Also, I need to be a bit careful, as - within a very modest scope - I'm also a public figure, in that my friends on FB include customers and colleagues, plus people from the music scene - plus, my employer is in the process of starting up FB and twitter activities - and I want to see how this evolves, whether and how much all of this starts interacting and inter-connecting - which might impose additional restrictions on what I can and want to say in a public blog. Political and religious topics, possibly also ethnical issues are out of question, I think.